“Zombieland: Double Tap”



“Zombieland: Double Tap” succeeds on one thing and one thing alone: the fact that it’s so much damn fun to see these characters again. This unoriginal and uninspired sequel to 2009’s cult zombie classic “Zombieland” may not be flush with innovation, but it’s an enjoyable reunion that revives the irreverent spirit and fun of the original.

It’s been a decade since the country was taken over by the undead, and misfit family Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), Wichita (Emma Stone), and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin) have been surviving just fine. The gang have made a home in the White House and have amassed quite an armory of zombie-killing weaponry. With Little Rock itching to spread her wings, she sneaks off on her own and hits the road with a pacifist musician (Avan Jogia), heading for a hippie utopia known as Babylon. A cross-country road trip sets the tone for the adventures that follow.

The movie doesn’t mess with the tried-and-true formula that made the original such a success. It’s strikingly similar, but benefits from an injection of new characters (including Rosario Dawson as tough as nails Nevada and a fun cameo from Luke Wilson as Albuquerque).

Not everything works, including Zoey Deutch‘s hyper-annoying, exaggerated performance as ditzy blonde Madison, and a disappointing, wasted, and humorless Bill Murray cameo. But the finished product is snarky enough, bloody enough, and fun enough to make for an enjoyable ride, even with a bit of hokey sentimentality thrown in at the end.



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